Accessories and supplementary products for precision machining

Looking for ways to maintain efficiency and precision for your grinding wheels and machining processes?

From solutions for grinding and dressing grinding wheels to materials for filtration and finishing, you will find everything you need to optimise your operations.

Diamond dressers

Diamond dressers are used to keep grinding wheels in prime condition, restoring the wheel’s profile and keeping it sharp and high performing for machining processes.

Benefits and specifications 

  • Absolute precision: Diamond dressers keep the wheel sharp and true, ensuring machining precision.
  • Durability: Made with high-quality diamonds, they ensure lasting durability.

Versatility: Suitable for use with grinding wheels in a range of materials and sizes.

Delivery time for diamond dressers is 15 days.

Need more information?

Whatever you need, we can make it happen. Contact our engineers for a quote.

Diamond rollers

Ermoli diamond rollers are the result of advanced technological research aimed at holding the diamond in place. These high-precision tools are used for dressing and truing grinding wheels, particularly for complex grinding processes, to ensure the perfect shape and long useful life for grinding wheels.

Benefits and specifications 

  • Precision truing: They deliver a perfect finish and consistent grinding wheel profiles.
  • Efficiency: They reduce machining times by rapidly truing the grinding wheel.

Durability: Engineered with superior quality diamonds, they ensure a long service life.

Delivery time for diamond rollers is 60 days.

Need more information?

Whatever you need, we can make it happen. Contact our engineers for a quote.

Filter fabric

Use of filter fabric is essential when grinding to ensure that coolants remain clean and free from contaminants, upholding the quality of machining results and extending the life of tools.

Benefits and specifications: 

  • Effective filtration: It ensures that particles and impurities are removed from liquids used when machining.
  • Compatibility: Available in a range of GSMs and sizes to suit different systems and machines.
  • Longer lasting wheels: They keep machining liquids clean, and extend the useful life of grinding wheels and tools.
Delivery time for filter fabric is 30 days.

Tessuto filtrante

Il tessuto filtrante è essenziale nei processi di rettifica per garantire che i liquidi refrigeranti rimangano puliti e privi di contaminanti, preservando la qualità delle lavorazioni e prolungando la durata degli utensili.

Plus e specifiche

  • Filtrazione efficace: Garantisce la rimozione di particelle e impurità dai fluidi di lavorazione.
  • Compatibilità: Disponibile in diverse grammature e dimensioni, si adatta a vari impianti e macchinari.
  • Maggiore durata delle mole: Mantenendo i liquidi di lavorazione puliti, prolunga la vita utile delle mole abrasive e degli utensili.
Consegna tessuto filtrante 30 giorni.

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Pasta diamantata

La pasta diamantata è utilizzata per la lucidatura e la finitura di superfici dure, garantendo un livello di precisione elevatissimo. È ideale per lavorazioni su materiali come ceramica, vetro, metalli preziosi e acciai duri.

Plus e specifiche

  • Alta concentrazione di abrasivo: Contiene diamanti di diverse granulometrie per adattarsi a diverse esigenze di finitura.
  • Versatilità: Utilizzabile su una vasta gamma di superfici, dalla lucidatura fine alla finitura di precisione.
  • Facilità d’uso: Facile da applicare e disponibile in diverse viscosità per ottimizzare l’applicazione.