Mole Abrasivi Ermoli, driven by people for people

About us

We want to amplify the value of the Made in Italy concept in our sector by exporting Italian expertise, passion and innovation along with our products.

To this end we starting applying the ISO 9000 standard in 1994 and were UNI EN ISO 9002 certified by ICIM in 1997.

We took this one step further; many of our customers operate in the automotive sector so in 2013 we standardised to comply with many aspects of UNI ISO/TS 16949, which defines the specific requirements for the application of ISO 9001 in the automotive industry.

Our product design was also UNI EN ISO 9001 certified in 2014.

We started applying the principles of total quality management (TQM) in 2002 to meet the requirements of the EFQM Model, the ultimate European framework for companies seeking to continually improve the levels of satisfaction for customers, staff, partners, suppliers, and external companies.

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli è leader nella produzione di Mole Abrasive

We uphold a gold standard of absolute quality throughout production to deliver impeccable results.

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli è leader nella produzione di Mole Abrasive

We have created and implemented strict standards to ensure we meet every deadline.

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli è leader nella produzione di Mole Abrasive

We offer specialist advice for effective, genuinely custom-made abrasive solutions.

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli è leader nella produzione di Mole Abrasive

We continually invest in new technologies to bring you even more advanced products.

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli è leader nella produzione di Mole Abrasive

We adapt our solutions to meet the specific needs of every customer and sector.

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli è leader nella produzione di Mole Abrasive

Our grinding wheels guarantee high levels of performance over time for every application.

An idea that has survived world events for over 140 years

Our history and commitment to curating even the smallest details have made us who we are today: a company that listens to what our customers need and fosters relations with suppliers and manufacturers. We are experts at mixing and processing materials, yet we demand nothing less than the best from ourselves and make only premium quality grinding wheels.

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Certification

Quality is at the heart of everything we do at Mole Abrasivi Ermoli. We are proud to be UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified as this demonstrates our unwavering commitment to guaranteeing efficient processes and product excellence. This certification validates our aim for continuous improvement to benefit our customers and their level of satisfaction.

Across 3 centuries, 4 generations and over 140 years of history


Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Ermoli is established in Malnate, in the northern Italian province of Varese. It extracts gritstone and makes millstones and sandstone grindstones for sharpening sickles, scythes and knives.


Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

The company decides to focus solely on producing bonded grinding wheels using emery sourced from the island of Naxos in the Cyclades island group.


Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Ermoli gains major recognition for the strength of its grinding wheels by winning a gold medal at the Turin International world's fair.

1920 – 1930

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Ermoli closes the extraction side of the business after the First World War to develop and publicise its own products by creating specific brands for each type of product. Thanks to astute trade promotion, Mole Ermoli succeeds in forging a path in the market and establishing itself as one of the industry’s most influential names.

Gaetano Ermoli is bestowed with the Order of Merit for Labour in 1923 and becomes a Cavaliere del Lavoro (Knight of Labour), marking a milestone for Mole Ermoli, which is now recognised as an industry leader.

The company begins a new chapter in 1928 by restructuring to become SIMAE (Società Italiana Mole Abrasive Ermoli - the Ermoli Italian Grinding Wheel Company).

1940 – 1950

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

SIMAE plays a crucial role during the Second World War and its manufacturing is so strategic for the war effort that 30% of employees are exempted from military service. SIMAE receives several awards from state authorities during the post-war years for its wartime service and continues to improve production with synthetic abrasive products. For example, emery is replaced with synthetic corundum, which is obtained by smelting bauxite (aluminium hydroxide).

SIMAE changes company name in 1942 and becomes an S.r.l., a private limited company.

King Umberto II makes Luigi Ermoli a Knight of the Order of the Crown of Italy in 1945, and the businessman is also made a Commander of the Military Order of the Knights of Concordia in 1947.

SIMAE expands its operations between 1948 and 1949 and opens a new headquarters in Milan primarily for sales and warehousing.


Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

SIMAE becomes a joint-stock company and the three second-generation Ermoli brothers pass the company to their children Gaetano, Angela and Luigi in 1967.


Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Led by Luigi Ermoli Junior and his son Giorgio, the company changes its name one last time to Mole Abrasivi Ermoli S.r.l. as it is still known today.

They also begin to focus production on custom-made grinding wheels and offering customers more personalised products and services.


Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli S.r.l. obtains ISO 9002 Quality Management System (QMS) certification, guaranteeing a process of continuous 360° improvement. This is also the year that the current director Giorgio Ermoli took over the helm of the company.


Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Giorgio Ermoli kickstarts the process of digital change: the company invests in Industry 4.0 to ensure greater manufacturing efficiency and closer monitoring of the main KPIs.


Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli S.r.l. celebrates 140 years in business. Our company continues to make custom-made grinding wheels for customers across the globe and still upholds the founding values that have served us so well for more than a century.

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Ermoli is established in Malnate, in the northern Italian province of Varese. It extracts gritstone and makes millstones and sandstone grindstones for sharpening sickles, scythes and knives.

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

The company decides to focus solely on producing bonded grinding wheels using emery sourced from the island of Naxos in the Cyclades island group.

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Ermoli gains major recognition for the strength of its grinding wheels by winning a gold medal at the Turin International world’s fair.

1920 – 1930
Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Ermoli closes the extraction side of the business after the First World War to develop and publicise its own products by creating specific brands for each type of product. Thanks to astute trade promotion, Mole Ermoli succeeds in forging a path in the market and establishing itself as one of the industry’s most influential names.

Gaetano Ermoli is bestowed with the Order of Merit for Labour in 1923 and becomes a Cavaliere del Lavoro (Knight of Labour), marking a milestone for Mole Ermoli, which is now recognised as an industry leader.

The company begins a new chapter in 1928 by restructuring to become SIMAE (Società Italiana Mole Abrasive Ermoli – the Ermoli Italian Grinding Wheel Company).

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

SIMAE plays a crucial role during the Second World War and its manufacturing is so strategic for the war effort that 30% of employees are exempted from military service. SIMAE receives several awards from state authorities during the post-war years for its wartime service and continues to improve production with synthetic abrasive products. For example, emery is replaced with synthetic corundum, which is obtained by smelting bauxite (aluminium hydroxide).

SIMAE changes company name in 1942 and becomes an S.r.l., a private limited company.

King Umberto II makes Luigi Ermoli a Knight of the Order of the Crown of Italy in 1945, and the businessman is also made a Commander of the Military Order of the Knights of Concordia in 1947.

SIMAE expands its operations between 1948 and 1949 and opens a new headquarters in Milan primarily for sales and warehousing.

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

SIMAE becomes a joint-stock company and the three second-generation Ermoli brothers pass the company to their children Gaetano, Angela and Luigi in 1967.

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Led by Luigi Ermoli Junior and his son Giorgio, the company changes its name one last time to Mole Abrasivi Ermoli S.r.l. as it is still known today.

They also begin to focus production on custom-made grinding wheels and offering customers more personalised products and services.

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli S.r.l. obtains ISO 9002 Quality Management System (QMS) certification, guaranteeing a process of continuous 360° improvement. This is also the year that the current director Giorgio Ermoli took over the helm of the company.

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Giorgio Ermoli kickstarts the process of digital change: the company invests in Industry 4.0 to ensure greater manufacturing efficiency and closer monitoring of the main KPIs.

Produttore di mole abrasive - Mole Abrasivi Ermoli

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli S.r.l. celebrates 140 years in business. Our company continues to make custom-made grinding wheels for customers across the globe and still upholds the founding values that have served us so well for more than a century.

Our values

Mole Abrasivi Ermoli, driven by people for people.
We believe that work can enhance the value of employees, products, and the company.

Experience has taught us that expertise and reliability form the foundations for creating a solid, transparent and lasting professional relationship.
We never stop investing in research projects that help us to develop new products: we know that improving the quality and sustainability of our offering is the only way to keep growing and proposing brand-new solutions.

We operate effectively and dynamically because we know how to work together as a team, yet we also want each member of that team to reach their full potential.
We are only satisfied when our customers are satisfied: we do our best to ensure that every customer achieves their goals while upholding our high standards of quality and productivity.